My perspective for this picture is standing inside a store front in Philadelphia looking out across the street at a billboard ad of a girl on a swing. It is clear it is winter in the ad, but the leaves blowing in the wind incorporates the fall- falling of the leaves out my window when I started drawling this. This picture, in my mind, takes place in the early to mid-fall. The backwards writing is ("summer sale" "50% off!") actually printed on the glass of the store you are standing in with the male mannequin. You can catch this by looking at the words like they are backwards on the glass. He looks fake and frozen but also alive (Disclaimer: Don't get me wrong- This picture had nothing to do about consumerism or is any lame statement. It's just contemplative, reflective).
You can look out across the street and see the sidewalk. The street is a kind of incandescent river with sharks and fish. There is the ghost of a girl that floats along....
The blowing of the leaves, and her scarf flying in the drift. At the botton of the ad you see the rings of a notebook. The main feeling I get from this picture is the turning of seasons, like a page of a book. It is that feeling, when summer is over and the air is getting cooler. The fall air tastes like college. and you look into store windows and watch commercials and they are all telling you that colder weather is coming and there is nothing you can do about it... The picture is calm though, not depressed not excited. and we get the sense the years are floating by faster and faster. The summer is over but thats okay (50% off whattttt). But at the same time everything seems still, the city desolate. A snapshot of a winter that has not arrived yet and the mannequin and the girl picture are both stuck still, the girl and the boy never able to look in each others direction. Or maybe he turns in circles.?
Truth is, I started this drawling by trying to draw a picture of myself as a baby. I was wearing this cute pink hoodie and I was sitting on a table outside. The dimesions were all wrong but it looked like a girl on swing so I went with it. I wanted her to have a cute guy around, and I wanted him to have a sweet hoodie too. Couldn't decide the background, But was starting to see she could be a picture on a city wall. I had these sweet earrings with that brick pattern of green and orange and grey and brown intermixed so I went with that. Got the idea of the payphone to keep up with the sweet urban style. That's about it, I don't know much more about the meaning than you do- but I've made up a story after staring at it for all those months it was a work in progress.